Robin AI Launches Revolutionary Automated Legal Reports, Transforming M&A Due Diligence

Robin AI, the AI-powered legal assistant, introduced its latest product, Robin AI Reports, at the LegalTechTalk Conference in London on June 13, 2024. This innovative tool automates due diligence and negotiations, significantly enhancing the efficiency of mergers and acquisitions (M&A), initial public offerings (IPOs), and other asset management processes, including real estate and debt financing. Robin AI Reports address costly pain points for legal teams, cutting the time and expense of manual review. Users can build lists of 'red-flag' issues and deviations from preferred positions, providing accurate, easily verifiable summaries. The University of Cambridge has already reported a 90% time saving using the product.

In 2019, machine learning scientist, James Clough, and lawyer, Richard Robinson, co-founded Robin AI, which has now expanded to employ 140 people and serve over 100 clients. In January 2024, it secured $26 million in Series B investment and works with partners like AWS and Anthropic to harness cutting-edge AI models. It assists executives in removing process bottlenecks and bringing important issues into alignment. With the promise of significant cost savings and accelerated transaction closes, Robin AI's most recent launch demonstrates its leadership in the legal AI space.

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