
New FTC Merger Restrictions in Healthcare: Balancing Scrutiny and Economic Impact

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has recently implemented new merger restrictions in the healthcare sector with the aim of increasing scrutiny and preventing potential monopolies. These reforms come as the Biden administration seeks to address rising concerns over healthcare consolidation and its impact on competition and costs.

The FTC's decision to remove two antitrust policy statements and introduce updated merger review guidance with the Department of Justice has significant implications. One major change is the commitment to case-by-case reviews of healthcare mergers rather than relying on outdated "safety zones" for information exchange and provider collaboration.

The agency's move follows a springtime lawsuit against Amgen aimed at stopping its $27.8 billion acquisition of Horizon Therapeutics. The FTC feared that this merger would grant Amgen excessive leverage, potentially leading to a monopoly on two crucial Horizon medications. To address such concerns, FTC Chair Lina Khan stated that the new guidelines aim to update regulatory practices while staying true to congressional mandates and existing legal precedent.

However, some analysts argue that these efforts may have come too late, with the consolidation process in the healthcare sector already 70% complete. Michael Abrams, a partner at Numerof & Associates, believes that the antitrust moves may not significantly impact the current state of healthcare mergers.

The FTC's proposal involves subjecting more deals to the Hart-Scott-Rodino Act, allowing the agency additional time to assess potential competition issues before finalization. This entails a more extensive application process, including new components such as narrative sections on ownership structure and labor markets. Parties involved in these deals must now disclose financial predictions, internal records, and staff classifications.

Furthermore, critics of the FTC's proposal express concerns that the increased transaction costs and lack of specificity in the criteria may lead to higher deal prices and delayed agreements. Kara Kuritz, a premerger attorney at Vinson & Elkins, warns that these changes might dissuade some deals from happening, impacting healthcare sector consolidation further.

While many agree that some level of scrutiny is necessary in the healthcare industry, stakeholders emphasize the importance of clear guidelines and evidence of past harms to ensure effective regulation. Nathan Ray, a partner at West Monroe specializing in healthcare mergers and acquisitions, highlights the need for specificity in identifying the consequences of unchecked mergers.

Striking the right balance between robust regulation and ensuring economic efficiency remains crucial to achieving a competitive and accessible healthcare landscape.