
Debt Ceiling Debate in USA: Should It Go?

As the United States approaches a critical deadline to raise the debt ceiling and avoid a potential default, lawmakers are considering whether it is time to get rid of the debt ceiling altogether.

The current debt limit, set by Congress, restricts the amount of money that the government can borrow to finance its operations, and failure to raise the limit can have dire consequences for the economy.

The debt ceiling has been a source of political friction for decades, with both parties using it as a bargaining chip to extract concessions from their opponents.

The current impasse is no exception, with Republicans demanding spending cuts in exchange for raising the debt limit, while Democrats insist that it is a non-negotiable obligation to pay for the expenses that Congress has already authorized.

Critics of the debt ceiling argue that it serves no purpose other than to create unnecessary uncertainty and risk for the economy.

The government has already committed to spending the money that it has borrowed, and failing to pay its bills on time would damage the country's credit rating, increase borrowing costs, and harm the livelihoods of millions of Americans.

Janet Yellen, the Secretary of the Treasury, has warned that if Congress does not act, the government may be unable to meet its financial obligations as early as June 1st. In the event of a default, unemployment and interest rates would rise, and the country's gross domestic product would decline.

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse has called for the elimination of the debt ceiling, stating that it is an arbitrary mechanism that offers no benefits and only carries the power to deliver serious damage. Whitehouse argues that raising the debt limit is not a partisan issue, but rather an essential responsibility to ensure that the government can fulfill its obligations.

Others, however, defend debt ceiling as a crucial tool for fiscal responsibility and accountability. Brianthe Riedl, a senior fellow at the conservative thinktank Manhattan Institute, argues that the debt limit is the only real, true lawmaker vote available that covers and trades off the whole federal budget.

Regardless of one's stance on the debt ceiling, the current crisis highlights the need for a long-term solution to the issue. Even if Congress successfully raises the debt limit in the coming weeks, the country is on a crash course according to economist Mark Zandi.

Lawmakers must consider whether the benefits of retaining the debt ceiling outweigh the risks and uncertainty that it creates.

The potential consequences of a default are too severe to be used as a political bargaining chip, and the time has come to find a more responsible and sustainable approach to managing the country's finances.