What Value Can AI Bring To Chief Legal Officers?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of a computer or machine to mimic behaviors or tasks commonly associated with human intelligence such as problem-solving, learning, planning, or reasoning.

In comparison to a human being, a machine can streamline work processes and manage repetitive legal tasks quickly and efficiently without getting bored or distracted. It reduces human errors and maintains accuracy while dealing with data management constraints.
eDiscovery is an excellent first step for Chief Legal Officers (CLOs) and legal teams to take in order to grasp how to embrace and master AI. From completing early case assessment to structuring data through concept clustering, using technology-assisted review (which is already accepted by the courts), redacting personal information, and generating eDiscovery analytics, AI can help legal teams process information more efficiently and effectively. And with earlier assessments, they will substantially reduce their eDiscovery costs, preventing significant resources from being wasted.

Not only does AI allow legal departments to save time and money, but it also increases their productivity and focus on legal matters that only humans can address, and many are now taking notice. A recent survey showed that over 60% of legal department respondents expect AI to be used for legal work within the next few years.